On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Mermaid Street: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Mermaid Street Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping beauty shop - 428mBeach Feet Spahhh Broadway Street, 243 Jewelry - 341mTroels Larsen South Coast Highway, 278 Jewelry - 387mJasmine of Anatolia South Coast Highway, 240 Clothes shop - 235mFresh Produce Forest Avenue, 240 Clothes shop - 373mSock Harbor South Coast Highway, 244 Clothes shop - 347mToes on the Nose South Coast Highway, 278 Clothes shop - 299mLittle Freebirds Ocean Avenue, 227 Clothes shop - 297mMare Blu Forest Avenue, 210 Clothes shop - 252mViolet Boutique Forest Avenue, 241 Optician - 379mSunglass Gallery South Coast Highway, 240 Car shop - 415mRivian Pacific Coast Highway, 162 92651 Laguna Beach Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-19:00; Su 11:00-18:00 massage shop - 308mParani Thai Massage Forest Avenue, 210 cosmetics shop - 258mExperience Divine Vibes Forest Avenue, 228 deli shop - 374mZinc Market Ocean Avenue, 350 Convenience shop - 311m - Ramona Avenue dry cleaning - 180mSnyder's Cleaners Glenneyre Street, 506 92651 Laguna Beach charity - 223mAssistance League of Laguna Beach Thrift Shop Glenneyre Street, 526 92651 Laguna Beach Phone: +1-949-494-5977 Supermarket - 405mWhole Foods Market Broadway Street, 283 92651 Laguna Beach Phone: +1 949-376-7888 Opening hours: Mo-Su 08:00-21:00 art shop - 321mKush Fine Art Gallery Forest Avenue, 210 art shop - 396mLaguna Art Supply Ocean Avenue, 380 92651 Laguna Beach Furniture - 183mTuvalu Forest Avenue, 275,295 92651 Laguna Beach Alcohol - 491mBroadway Liquor-Mart Broadway Street, 278 Laguna Beach Gifts shop - 489mJam’s Jewel Box Broadway Street, 260 92651 Laguna Beach second hand shop - 414mFlea Market Ocean Avenue, 450 92651 Laguna BeachEating and Drinking Restaurant - 152mBroadway by Amar Santana Glenneyre Street, 328 92651 Laguna Beach Restaurant - 375mThe Greeter’s Corner Restaurant South Coast Highway, 329 Restaurant - 291mSushi Laguna Ocean Avenue, 231 Restaurant - 240mAlessa Forest Avenue, 234 Restaurant - 399mCarmelita’s Broadway Street, 217 92651 Laguna Beach Restaurant - 373mC'est La Vie Pacific Coast Highway, 365 92651 Laguna Beach Restaurant - 278mThe Wharf Ocean Avenue, 237 92651 Laguna Beach Restaurant - 357mRasta Taco Beach Street, 170 92651 Laguna Beach Restaurant - 221mSlice Pizza and Beer 477 Forest Avenue, 477 Phone: 949-715-3993 Restaurant - 283mBrussels Bistro Forest Avenue, 222 92651 Laguna Beach Phone: +19493767955 Opening hours: Mo-Th 15:00-22:30,Fr 15:00-02:00,Sa 11:00-02:00,Su 11:00-22:30 Restaurant - 364mSueños Ocean Avenue, 222 Laguna Beach Restaurant - 277mThe Lumberyard Forest Avenue, 384 92651 Laguna Beach Phone: +1 949 715 3900 Cafe - 376mZinc Cafe Ocean Avenue, 350 92651 Laguna Beach Fast food - 411mWild Taco Pacific Coast Highway, 188 Laguna Beach Pub - 344mHennessey’s Tavern Ocean Avenue, 213 Pub - 388mMarine Room Tavern Ocean Avenue, 214 92651 Laguna BeachOther office-company - 474m805 - Firestone Walker Brewing Company Broadway Street, 276 92651 Laguna Beach Ice Cream - 290mChantilly’s Ice Cream Forest Avenue, 231 Toilets - 256m - - public access Ocean Avenue, 237 shop-home_decor - 357mAREOhome Ocean Avenue, 207 shop-chocolate - 366mRocky Mountain Chocolate Factory South Coast Highway, 248 Drinking Water - 322m - Forest Avenue, 210 grocery - 416mThe Village Mart Pacific Coast Highway, 120 92651 Laguna Beach hotel - 404mHotel Laguna Pacific Coast Highway, 425 92651 Laguna Beach office-charity - 246mAssistance League of Laguna Beach Catalina Street, 547 92651 Laguna Beach Phone: +1-949-494-6097 Email: assistanceleaguelagunabeach@gmail.com social centres - 335mAmerican Legion - Laguna Beach Post 222 Legion Street, 384 92651 Laguna Beach Phone: +1-949-939-6280;949-466-5757 Email: alpost222lagunabeach@gmail.com office-consulting - 489mShift Digital Broadway Street, 250 Laguna Beach office-financial_advisor - 270mWells Fargo Advisors Ocean Avenue, 265 92651 Laguna Beach Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Mermaid Street