On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Wayne Place: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Wayne Place Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping Jewelry - 75mWong Chong Kee Jewelery Pacific Avenue, 918 San Francisco Jewelry - 289mAndy's Jewelery Vallejo Street, 782;784;786 Bakery - 110mOriginal Bakery Powell Street, 1343 Bakery - 320mWa Li Bakery & Cafe Stockton Street, 1249 San Francisco Phone: 415-986-1660 Clothes shop - 218mPresidio Post Mason Street, 1301 94133 San Francisco Clothes shop - 301mInFashion Broadway, 728;730;732 Clothes shop - 270mFang Yi Fashion Jackson Street, 872 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 866 3433 Wine - 683m - Green Street, 516;518;520;522;524 Supermarket - 240mKiki Supermarket Powell Street, 1149 Supermarket - 348mNew Asia Market Pacific Avenue, 772 94133 Supermarket - 297mJ & L Vegi Supermarket Stockton Street, 1215 Supermarket - 288mChef Bowl, Inc. Vallejo Street, 775;779 94133 San Francisco Phone: 415-398-3288 pastry shop - 487mMara's Italian Pastry Columbus Avenue, 503 94133 San Francisco Italian pastry shop with cannoli, gelato, and espresso deli shop - 487mAlimento Columbus Avenue, 507 94133 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 2969463 Hairdresser - 46mYong Chang Hair Design Pacific Avenue, 942 San Francisco Phone: (415) 693-9282 Hairdresser - 317mJenny Hair Salon Powell Street, 1117 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 9822833 Opening hours: Mo,Tu,Th-Su 09:00-17:00; We off Hairdresser - 298mSalon Picasso Powell Street, 1567 Hairdresser - 96mKaren Hair Salon Pacific Avenue, 923 Phone: 415-362-6890 Hairdresser - 91mSa Sa Beauty Pacific Avenue, 923 San Francisco Phone: 415-399-1988 Hairdresser - 146mHair & Hair Powell Street, 1241;1243;1245 Phone: 415-392-1648 Hairdresser - 105mGreen Palace Hair Salon Powell Street, 1329 Hairdresser - 200mLana Beauty Salon Broadway, 784 94133 San Francisco Phone: 415-986-5172 Hairdresser - 265mH.K. Anna Hair & Beauty Salon Broadway, 736 Hairdresser - 98mJason's Salon Broadway, 807 San Francisco Phone: 415-699-4629 Hairdresser - 59mA&A Hair Design Broadway, 835 San Francisco Phone: 415-989-8285 Hairdresser - 361mTasha hair design Powell Street, 1100;1104 Hairdresser - 282mYan Yang Beauty Salon Jackson Street, 864 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 433 1888 Opening hours: Mo-Su 09:00-18:00 beauty shop - 187mFaces Plus Pacific Avenue, 1019 San Francisco Phone: 415-474-9615 beauty shop - 200mPana Beauty Lounge Powell Street, 1455 beauty shop - 288mLove Your Face Pacific Avenue, 1075 San Francisco pet shop - 158mPet Central Broadway, 1411 Stationery - 561mLola Card Stop Columbus Avenue, 454 art shop - 90mLadybug House Powell Street, 1321 San Francisco Seafood - 283mLiang's Seafood Inc. Stockton Street, 1207 San Francisco Phone: +1 415-399-8783 Seafood - 294mPacific St Fish Market Stockton Street, 199 Phone: +1 415-872-9018 Seafood - 302mM.P. Seafood Market Jackson Street, 848 San Francisco Seafood - 327mOcean Seafood Jackson Street, 840;842;844;846 Grocery - 127mChung Hing Produce Co. Powell Street, 1312;1314 Grocery - 288mHop Hing Market Stockton Street, 1211 Grocery - 285mChong Hing Supermarket Stockton Street, 1199 Grocery - 150mGold Coin Trading Co Pacific Avenue, 874;876;878 Grocery - 319mDong Hing Supermarket Stockton Street, 1210 Grocery - 306mHuaxing Produce Inc. Stockton Street, 1200 San Francisco Grocery - 269mSun Sun Produce Powell Street, 1504 Grocery - 334mKum Luen Stockton Street, 1249 Grocery - 399mVeggieLand Market Stockton Street, 1053 Butchery - 107mCheng Hong Meat Market Powell Street, 1335 San Francisco Butchery - 305mDuk Hing Chinese Deli & Meat Inc. Stockton Street, 1151 Butchery - 278mSun Sang Market Stockton Street, 1205 San Francisco Convenience shop - 95mSam & Son Market Powell Street, 1321 A San Francisco Convenience shop - 379mLittle Paradise Stockton Street, 1101;1103;1105 Convenience shop - 102mPowell Grocery Powell Street, 1301 Convenience shop - 319mCao Kee Market Broadway, 716;720 Convenience shop - 371mBest Food Stockton Street, 1254 Convenience shop - 359mKin Tat Co. Stockton Street, 1254 Gifts shop - 334mPowell Gifts Powell Street, 1117 Opening hours: closed Gifts shop - 366mSun Rising Gift Store Vallejo Street, 729;733 Shop - 116mCA Pacific Trading Co. Pacific Avenue, 915 Shop - 196mKongming Glass Co. Powell Street, 1230 Shop - 270m - Stockton Street, 1201 San Francisco Shop - 326mGum Sing Market Pacific Avenue, 774 Shop - 373mLong Hua Co. Pacific Avenue, 750;752;754 Shop - 182mTai Yick Trading Co Powell Street, 1400 94133 San Francisco Shop - 245mBroadway Trading Broadway, 760 San Francisco Phone: 415-788-1668 Shop - 250mKing Poultry & Produce Broadway, 758 94133 San Francisco Shop - 258mBling Bling Broadway, 736 94133 San Francisco Shop - 323mHo Kee Market Stockton Street, 1249 Shop - 363mJing Ye Co. Stockton Street, 1254 San Francisco Shop - 327mSouthern Gift Trade Company Broadway, 716;720 Shop - 147mSun Sang tong Powell Street, 1344 San Francisco Shop - 342mChung Chau City Inc. Stockton Street, 1230 San Francisco Shop - 334mSun Sun Trading Co. Stockton Street, 1226 San Francisco Phone: 415-9899-833 Shop - 328mTan Tan Trading Co Inc. Stockton Street, 1226 Shop - 293mNew Louie's Inc Stockton Street, 1213 San Francisco Shop - 276mJumbo Trading Company Jackson Street, 870 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 658 7739 Shop - 229mHeung Cheung Trading Co. Jackson Street, Suite 101 A Shop - 315mGum Sun Market Jackson Street, 848 Shop - 340mJ.C. Market Jackson Street, 826;828;830;832;834;836;838 massage shop - 382mHarmony Massage Powell Street, 1053 craft shop - 205m - Powell Street, 1224 San Francisco Phone: + 1 415 2961888 dry cleaning - 231mJindi's Pacific Avenue, 1045 Florist - 200mPowell Florist Powell Street, 1230 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 7818788 Florist - 383mLucky Bamboo & Florist Stockton Street, 1053 photo shop - 402mPhoto Focus Jackson Street, 784 Hardware Store - 80mWestern City Supply Hardware Store Powell Street, 1317 San Francisco Opening hours: Mo-Sa 08:00-17:00 herbalist shop - 101mChu's Accupuncture & Herbs Clinic Powell Street, 1329 herbalist shop - 296mHai Win LLC. Jackson Street, 850 94133 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 398 3708 Mobile Phones - 306mUltraTone Communication Stockton Street, 1239 San Francisco Mobile Phones - 322mLyca Mobiles Stockton Street, 1210 DIY shop - 524mCole Hardware Vallejo Street, 627 94133 San Francisco Phone: +1 415-432-2653 Opening hours: Mo-Su 09:00-19:00 Alcohol - 369mCoit Liquors Powell Street, 1657 shop-vacant - 163m - Broadway, 799 San Francisco laundry - 152mSuper Laundromat Powell Street, 1354 San Francisco laundry - 316mClean-X-Press Powell Street, 1601 kitchen shop - 426mGood View Trading Broadway, 678 Phone: +1 415-781-1388 Confectionery - 560mZ Cioccolato Columbus Avenue, 474 Bookstore - 483mSino American Books & Arts Jackson Street, 751 Shoes - 486mShuang Li Trading Co. Jackson Street, 749Eating and Drinking Restaurant - 89mMa's Dim Sum & Cafe Powell Street, 1317 Restaurant - 378mHilda and Jesse Union Street, 701 Restaurant - 317mNew Moon Stockton Street, 1249 Restaurant - 373mRural Ramen Bar Powell Street, 1059 Phone: +1 415 2749942 Email: ruralramenbar@gmail.com Opening hours: Mo-Su 11:00-14:30,17:00-21:00 Restaurant - 380mBetter Than Sweet Taylor Street, 1416 San Francisco Phone: +1 99910325692 Restaurant - 280mBlue Sky Restaurant Powell Street, 1504 Restaurant - 120maltoVino Mason Street, 1358 Restaurant - 333mLittle Paris Stockton Street, 1131 94133 San Francisco Phone: (415) 982-6111 Restaurant - 126mHappy Chinese Restaurant Powell Street, 1326 San Francisco Phone: 415 398 1268 Restaurant - 365mYummy Yummy Pacific Avenue, 772 Phone: 415-391-1068 Restaurant - 371mLittle Garden Vallejo Street, 728;730;732 Restaurant - 190mTaishan Cuisine Broadway, 781;785 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 7882288;+1 415 2440253 Opening hours: Mo-We,Fr-Su 11:00-15:00,17:00-27:00; Th 17:00-27:00 Restaurant - 327mHing Lung Co Stockton Street, 1249 Restaurant - 121mKam Po (H.K) K. Broadway, 801 San Francisco Restaurant - 394mYuet Lee Seafood Restaurant Stockton Street, 1300 Restaurant - 398mYummy BBQ Kitchen Broadway, 683 Phone: +1 415-378-3768 Restaurant - 349mLouie's Dim Sum Inc. Stockton Street, 1230 Bar - 175mHolyCraft Brewery Broadway, 787 94133 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 6900401 Opening hours: Tu-Th 15:00-24:00; Fr-Su 12:00-24:00 Cafe - 151mEnter the Cafe Powell Street, 1401 San Francisco Cafe - 382mCafe Isabella Taylor Street, 1414 San Francisco Opening hours: Mo-Tu off; We-Su 08:30-15:00 Cafe - 295mThe Coffee Movement Washington Street, 1030 94108 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 2373375 Email: aloha@thecoffeemovement.com Opening hours: Mo-Su 07:00-16:00 Cafe - 208mTancca Broadway, 776 San Francisco Cafe - 265mHa Tea Powell Street, 1170 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 7570849 Fast food - 527mTacorea Broadway, 620 San Francisco Pub - 333mNorthstar Cafe Powell Street, 1560 Pub - 352mThe Boardroom Powell Street, 1609Public Services community centre - 126mTranquil Resonance Studio Mason Street, 1352 94133 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 829 2234 Email: info@tranquilresonance.com community centre - 200mLady Shaw Senior Center Mason Street, 1483 94133 San Francisco Post Box - 117m - - United States Postal Service Pacific Avenue, 997 94133 San Francisco Post Box - 146m - Broadway, 799 Post Box - 369m - Stockton Street, 1301 Post Box - 310m - - United States Postal Service Pacific Avenue Post Box - 352m - - United States Postal Service Powell Street, 1100;1104 Police - 340mCentral Police Station - San Francisco Police Department Vallejo Street, 766 94133 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 3152400 Fax: +1 415 3152450 Email: SFPDCentralStation@sfgov.org Fire Station - 154mSan Francisco Fire Station 2 - San Francisco Fire Department Powell Street, 1340 94133 San Francisco childcare - 527mChinatown Community Children's Center Powell Street, 952 Library - 252mChinatown / Him Mark Lai Branch Library - San Francisco Public Library Powell Street, 1135 94108 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 3552888 Email: chimgr@sfpl.org Opening hours: Su 13:00-17:00; Mo,Fr 13:00-18:00; Tu-Th 10:00-20:00; Sa 10:00-18:00; PH off Post Office - 642mChinatown - United States Postal Service Stockton Street, 867 94108 San Francisco Phone: (415) 433-1202Other Vending Machine - 341m - Vallejo Street, 766 Waste Basket - 265m - Stockton Street, 1201 Waste Basket - 372m - Stockton Street, 1254 Waste Basket - 313m - Stockton Street, 1239 Waste Basket - 384m - Pacific Avenue, 711;795;799 Toilets - 511m - - private access Washington Street NGO offices - 77mWu Yee Children's Services Broadway, 827 Drinking Water - 161m - Jackson Street, 926;928;930 sport-yoga - 91mTantara Pacific Avenue, 915 San Francisco office-yes - 40mD.W. graphics & sign Pacific Avenue, 948 San Francisco Phone: 4153983328 office-yes - 99mMyanmar Overseas Youth Club Pacific Avenue, 923 office-yes - 313mConstead Chiropractic Clinic Pacific Avenue, 1095 San Francisco office-yes - 308mMeng Trading Co Broadway, 711 San Francisco Phone: 415-989-8889 office-yes - 302mChina Central Service Stockton Street, 1235 San Francisco office-yes - 259mDPR Construction Powell Street, 1149 San Francisco office-estate_agent - 315mInspiration Real Estate Pacific Avenue, 1095 office-estate_agent - 383mHogan and Vest Inc Pacific Avenue, 750;752;754 grocery - 562mVJ Grocery Taylor Street, 1199 San Francisco spa - 592mGlow Yoga & Wellness Stockton Street, 1548 94133 San Francisco office-company - 389mKing Fung Trading Co. Vallejo Street, 717;719 sport-billiards - 614mColumbus Cafe Green Street, 562 94133 San Francisco Phone: +1 415 2742599 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 14:00-26:00; Sa,Su 12:00-26:00 Ice Cream - 532mGelateria Naia Columbus Avenue, 520 94133 San Francisco Phone: 415-677-9280 Opening hours: Su 12:00-22:00; Mo-Th 12:00-22:00; Fr-Sa 12:00-23:00 popcorn - 530mCornology Columbus Avenue, 522 94133 San Francisco employment agency offices - 304mYin Yin Job Service Broadway, 715 San Francisco Phone: 415-732-7728 office-political_party - 708mKuomintang of China in America Hang Ah Alley;Pagoda Alley office-collectables - 331mGlobal Import & Export tranding Co. Powell Street, 1122 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Wayne Place