92115 - Street Directory
List of streets in 92115 beginning with P
- Page StreetresidentialPalo Verde TerraceresidentialPath between Bonillo Drive and Lorca DrivefootwayPath between Cartagena Drive and Lorca DrivefootwayPath between Lerida Drive and Marraco DrivefootwayPath between Malcolm Drive and Lerida DrivefootwayPath between Toledo Drive and Mataro DrivefootwayPath between Valencia Drive and Toledo DrivefootwayPatria DriveresidentialPatricia PlaceresidentialPearson DriveresidentialPeck PlaceservicePembroke DriveresidentialPenny PlaceresidentialPeppergrass DriveresidentialPerique StreetresidentialPeterson GymfootwayPontiac StreetresidentialProsperity Laneresidential